Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I've been at a loss for posts. It isn't necessarily because I don't have anything to post about, it's because I don't always want to be negative and to be honest, I haven't had a lot of nice things to say about motherhood lately.
That sounds bad, right?
I will say that 2 is a fun age in many ways. The development of language and emotion is sweet, adorable, intriguing, and whatever other positive adjective you want to insert. Lily is the funniest person I know and she can be so adoring and sweet...but, it isn't called "terrible twos" for nothing.
Lily has regressed on sleep habits, waking up in the middle of the night, sometimes often, and taking nothing but short cat naps. Combine that with epic tantrums and you have yourself one tired, annoyed, stressed out mama. I realize I'm not alone and I'm certainly not claiming that I have it worse than any other mom, but I will admit that I'm at a loss on how to deal with the terrible twos.
I'm doing the best I can to roll with the punches. Live for the cute little nuances. Keep myself calm. Breathe through the challenges. Remind myself that this will pass. Utilize my family and take breaks. But some days all of these things combined just aren't enough to keep me feeling sane.
I struggle with the guilt of feeling frustrated. I feel horrible when I snap at Lily during her meltdown because I logically know that SHE is frustrated and just learning how to deal with HER emotions. I am the adult. I should be able to hold this together for her. But it's frustrating and sometimes infuriating.
I am going to look into some books theorized on the terrible twos and try to exercise some of the techniques, because let's face it, I'm kind of at my wits end here and we have at least another year of this!

I promise I'll have something happier to share. I just tend to need to write when things are, well, difficult. That's what I need this outlet for- venting. It soothes me a bit and allows me to not live in my own head so much.


  1. (((HUGS))) Hang in there, mama. It has to get better, right?

    Our friend's kid is going to be 3 and still drives Dan and I nuts. lol In their situation though, it is most definitely lack of parenting and letting the kid run the roost from day 1.

  2. Vanessa, hang in there! I know I do not have a two year-old yet, but kids are my education background. Lily is frustrated because she cannot fully communicate and express verbally to you. You are not alone in wanting to pull your hair out on some days; and mourning your old life. We all have our "things" we go through. I always say mine was the "looney bin" ;) My mom said I never went through the terrible twos, but when I hit 5.... ooooh I didn't want anyone to help me do anything. Apparently it was a bad stage lol

    Anywho, I appreciate your honesty as well. And I share similar feelings about our friend Kelle, too. Sometimes it irks me that she poops rainbows, & totally makes me feel inadequate, jealous, etc... But on the other hand, if she constantly wrote about negative things, it might bring other people down. I guess it just goes to show that everyone blogs for different reasons. I do really wish she would write about a really shitty day of hers so we could feel like she's a normal human being. Ha!

    Keep expressing and venting. I love the way you write :)

  3. Ditto Nic on appreciation of honesty...and know that what you'e going through is shared by so many...most just choose not to talk about it. It is great that you do!
