Friday, September 9, 2011

I am absolutely loving having conversations with my daughter.

From today:
(She was napping for 3.5 hours, which she has never done in her little life. She started getting some cold symptoms yesterday so I figured it was draining her energy. At almost 5pm, I went in her room and touched her head)
Lily: Mommy? Time to get up??
Me: Well, baby, you don't have to but you've been sleeping a long time.
Lily: Mommy, I sleep long time 'cuz I don't feel good. ::She stands up::: I feel better now!!!
Me: That's good baby. Sleep is good.
Lily: Sleep make me better, mommy. I don't feel good but then I feel better.

This might read as absolutely trivial but I'm telling you these were the days I was waiting for as a mom: communication. I love it. Sometimes she still doesn't make a ton of sense and she gets so many words mixed up but at the end of the day, it's all perfect to me.

Just like the other night, I decided to take a bath with her in my big bathtub. I hadn't done that in awhile and I thought it would be fun since she's into mimicking everything I do. I took the opportunity to try to teach her how to wash her hair, etc.
The whole time we were in there she just chatted up a storm, asking to "use mommy's soap", "wash mommy's hair" and just talking mini paragraphs at a time. This is so fun for me. (She also though it was hilarious that my boobs floated. That's a whole other story though.)

Tantrums aside, I love this age.

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