Friday, February 24, 2012

Dear Lily,

I haven't written to you in quite some time. It isn't because I don't have anything to say, it's definitely the opposite. I have so much to say that I can't even organize my thoughts. So much to say because you are just so brilliant and I want to capture who you are, in every moment, day in and day out.

You're going to be three in just three months. 3. I have to repeat this number in my head a couple times a day, preparing for this to be reality. You are getting so far away from that baby that I held in my arms that needed every ounce of my attention and turning into this gorgeous, funny, intelligent, spirited, passionate little girl. One that I am so proud of.

I have already started thinking about your third birthday, (because that's what your mama does, she over plans). You had said you wanted the party to have a theme of your favorite movie, "Up", but you have now changed it to "Curious George". It's simply amazing to me that you now have the cognitive skills to make decisions like this. You know what you want, in many facets on your little world, and you are adamant about achieving your goals. God, I pray this stays with you- that you always have such passion.

But before you turn three, you will start gymnastics in less than two weeks. You're so excited about this. You practice on mama's bed by doing somersaults and also on bop bop's couch cushions by using them as a trampoline. You just have such passion and spirit. I just love it.

Your passion leaks out in some negative ways, in the form of tantrums and fits of frustration, but dad and I are doing our very best to embrace it and know that this too shall pass. You're just learning and exploring so many new emotions, of course you can't be expected to articulate it all at your age.

But you are truly such a good girl... You love to help, as you show me when you bring my phone to me when it's ringing, without me asking for it. You love to tell stories, as you share with me when you and daddy go to the park and "go down the biggest slide". You love to teach, as you reprimand Ty to "sit down in the bath tub" when he comes over to share an evening with you. You love to learn, as you always ask, "What's that mean?" or "What's that do?", when something is unfamiliar. You are generous, as you will share your cookie with me. You are compassionate, as you show by asking, "You ok, mama?", if I sneeze or bump my knee.

I am just smitten with you. Our bond has grown even stronger since I've gotten to know who you are. You give me more joy than I ever imagined was available in life.

So, Lily girl. As you head into a new year of your life, just know your mama is doing her best to soak you in. Know that I'm look forward to every day with you. Know that I am holding on to each morning that you run into my room at 7am every day, so excited to snuggle with me for 30 minutes. I know these mornings will fly by and soon you will be so much more independent than you already are. Know that I am already so, so proud of you. Know that you are teaching me so much and I love you more each day.

Your mama

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